st pattys day

happy st pattys day! I’m in school right now and it is kinda’ve gross outside. I live in NY so the big parade is today! I wish I could go but I have to be in school (some of my friends are skipping though šŸ˜Æ) today Im wearing jeans, a bright green shirt, a white scarf, and green and gold eyeshadow: green to be festive, gold for a pot of gold šŸ˜Š for those who have snapchat, I really love the special features they have today like the leprechaun and the little rainbow so so cute. I’m following the quote “Luck is believing you’re lucky.ā€ ā€“ Tennessee Williams. Believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, believe in your luck! If you like makeup I really suggest playing with green and gold to be festive! So fun and so cute!

That’s all for now

xx grace


first post yay!

first off i would like to say welcome to my blog šŸ™‚ Life filled with love n grace is is going to be a mixture of many different things/topics ranging from beauty products/reviews to rants (not often though!) Ā It is monday morning (6:18am) and I have school šŸ˜¦ but instead of feeling down thats it’s monday, I am going to follow a quote by Ernie Els:Ā Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday.

Make your mark today, smile as much as possible, make someone else smile!
I know that I’m happy to be waking up because I have a very special breakfast. I made overnight oats yesterday which is oats that isĀ refrigerated overnight. I made mine with oats and chia seeds, lil plain non-fat yogurt, fresh pineapple, shredded coconut, carrots (carrot cake themed), fresh ginger and cinnamon! It is an extremely healthy breakfast option that can be made tons of ways.Ā Chia seeds are one of the healthiest foods on earth and has some very good benefits to your body and brain. I found my recipeĀ from here:
(I put a little twist on mine!)
^chia seed benefits šŸ™‚
First post done!
have a great monday
xx grace
fun fact : i hate coffee!